It irks me to see destructive addiction all around me and the harm and hurt it causes others to bear. I don't care if you are addicted to nicotine but I care for your 3 year old inhaling your smoke. I don't cate if you are addicted to gambling but I care for your wife who has no food on the table and has to hide when loan sharks surface. I don't care if you are addicted to porn but I care about the countless women cheapened and abused to feed your lusting eyes. Actually I do care for you too but you don't and you push away those who do seek to care for you.So how do we deal with destructive addiction? How do we deal with the bitter fruits of addiction? How do we help care for the addicted and save his/her victims?
The immense gambling problem here where I am ministering, the recent stats on porn viewing in certain 'religious' states in Malaysia when a former porn star visited KL and the open acceptance of unrestrained drinking (alcoholism) in the state among various races and age groups is beyond troubling.
Yet it seems no one cares to do something and if someone is doing something, it looks like maybe only one starfish was rescued (hope you know of the often used story of one starfish saved). Me? I got lots of ideas. No guts to implement them. No support or team to do it. No know-how on how to implement rescue tactics. Just concerned, troubled and writing a blog. Like my late brother was fond of saying, haiszzz . . .
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