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The Secret To Being A Strong And Courageous Christian

While preparing to preach on this verse, I gained some new insights on this word of encouragement from God to Joshua, a word that will then be repeated often times in Scripture (seems to be a favourite word from God to us).
To be strong actually carries the idea of being firm and resolute when embarking on a task (deciding to go ahead no matter what, no turning back once the hand is on the plough). This tenacity is spurred by a deep level of confidence that is a result of holding on firmly to God's revealed word concerning the task. The picture painted by the Hebrew is one who binds himself tightly to something, in this case God's Word.
Courageous on the other hand seems to focus on ones determination towards a given task by being mentally strong. Today, being mentally strong is a field well researched and promoted as a key factor for success. Who would have guessed God identified this discipline thousands of years ago!
The Hebrew for 'to be terrified' on the other hand reveals a key cause for most of our fears - to be in awe of the evil or threat opposing us to the point we prostrate ourselves in terror, trembling in fear. Once our eyes are removed from God and awe of His greatness is absent we become easy prey to the smallest source of terror. And when we are in awe of our enemy and not our God, we become terrified victims. So? Do not be in awe of the opposition you face (i.e. don't focus on the greatness of the problem) but keep your eyes fixed on your awesome God!
Lastly, we are encouraged not to be discouraged. When fear reigns, discouragement blossoms through the cracks of our shattered confidence. In Hebrew, the word 'discouraged' carries three telling inter-related words - break, crack, shatter. One who is discouraged is one who cracks under pressure, whose hope is shattered and breaks down emotionally and mentally, no longer able to respond to the demands of the task ahead.
So how does one be strong and courageous and be not afraid nor discouraged? The Lord only gives one answer: His faithful omnipresence. Because He is ALWAYS with us, we are able to do and experience what He commands.
But I have always responsed to this answer with a question: how does having a God with you at all times help make you strong and courageous and prevent you from becoming terrified and discouraged? Maybe you have wondered the same. Here' s my take on this:

  • Deuteronomy 31:1-6  The Lord who is with me will go ahead of me and destroy my 'problem' and give me success.
  • 1 Chronicles 28:20-21  The Lord who is with me will not fail me, ensuring the task I have will be completed.
  • Psalms 23:4  The Lord who is with me (even in the valley of the shadow of death) will comfort me with His rod and staff. I will not fear.
  • Zephaniah 3:20  The Lord who is with me will save me (He is strong enough), calm me with His love and sing to me!
  • Hebrews 13:5  The Lord who is with me will help me, so man can't do much to me.
And that's why having God with you is fabulous and it's all you need to be strong and courageous and not terrified nor discouraged. Understand this. Experience this. Lean into this truth every time you step out in faith. He is with you forever (Matthew 28:20).


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