Chapter 1: Taking The Mystery Out Of Miracles
Elrod begins by introducing two types of miracles - the passive, random type we read about and go "Wow' and conclude it can never happen to us and the more tangible, measurable miracles you have control over (the kind this book promises) [p.14-15].On a side note, I like the difference he notes between being skeptical versus being cynical [p.14]. I also love his definition and concept of a Miracle Maven - a person of understanding who generates remarkable events or development that brings welcomed consequences [p.16]. he then highlights the pre-requisites for a miracle (including envisioning a future you believe is possible and working hard to achieve it). I like that he emphasizes the necessity for the vision/goal to be meaningful (serious, important, worthwhile) to you, calling it the driver for achieving the envisioned miracle [p. 19]. He then introduces his Level 10 concept as our daily focus [p. 20]. To have faith, Elrod presses the need to believe you can but acknowledges it is and 'out of this world' demand [p. 22]. As for taking consistent extraordinary effort, we need energy and sustained effort over time [p. 24]. Sounding like a preacher quoting the famous verse in James, Elrod basically says faith and works are co-dependent - one can't work without the other [p.25]. In order to have faith, fear and self-doubt needs to go and for effort to be sustained, unproductive habits and lazy tendencies must be ushered out of your life [p. 25].
Chapter 2: From Impossible . . . to Improbable . . . to Inevitable
In this chapter, Elrod shares his story as to how he 'discovered' the Miracle Equation and how it helped others, proving his Equation as something that can be duplicated and works for others too. I like reading the paragraph on how goals are set not to be achieved but to help you become the person who achieves such goals. I heard this explained in his podcast and several others and it resonated deeply in me. Goals are not set necessarily to be achieved but to be the means of helping me become the person who owns such goals [p.34]. The initial evolution of Unwavering Faith and Extraordinary Effort is explained in p.35. Faith is necessary to overcome fear by deciding to believe you can and to hold that belief until you do while Effort is required to overcome inertia from inconsistent results along the way - put in high level effort until the last possible moment (this then would mean there is a deadline for effort). Even with all this positive confession going on, I like Elrod's honesty when he wrote that he did not actually believe his Miracle Equation mantra - he believed it was possible but definitely not probable - but he was still committed to give it everything he had [p. 36]. Why? By setting Mircle Equation goals and going all out to do it, we develop qualities and characteristics of a Miracle Maven [p.41]. It was clever of Elrod to then share his Equation with others to see if it works for others and can be duplicated (something good for me to do when I have a formula that worked for me) [p.45-48]. He ends the chapter with an important reminder - we need to make and maintain these two equations always [p. 48].
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