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Showing posts from January, 2019

Money flows to me!

A declaration of faith and hope: Money flows to me readily and easily. My life is like a large river being fed by multiple streams of money that are forever flowing. My life is bursting at the seams from all the money that comes into my life. My thoughts are focused on generating and receiving wealth. I deserve all the money that flows to me. I am constantly amazed at how money just seems to find me. It pops up in unexpected places. Seemingly hidden sources of money are available to me at all times. I merely need to keep my eyes open to see and benefit from these sources. I regularly find lost change on the ground. I know that by accepting these small tokens of wealth, I am able to also accept bigger opportunities to earn and receive greater amounts of money. Today, I allow more money to flow into my life. My resistance to money is completely gone. I am open to all the wealth and abundance that the universe provides. (Copy paste from here because it is exactly what I want to...

Reflection - make time for it

Something I have almost never done but seems it is so necessary in my life - REFLECTION. Here then are my notes and thoughts on this subject, based on an article I read. So self-reflection is giving careful conscious consideration and an analysis of of my beliefs and actions for the purpose of learning. For this to happen I will need to pause, untangle and sort all my observations and experiences. Once done, I will need to consider multiple possible interpretations to create meaning of what I have been through. This meaning creates new mindsets and actions. Sounds exciting! On why we don't reflect I liked two of the reasons given because they resonate with me. I don't know how to reflect I don't like the process and especially the results - the slowing down, the personal responsibility, the sense of vulnerability and discomfort and the noted weaknesses. Even so there are steps to be taken (will try to do them): Identify important questions (look up Pinterest)...

Tempting God

A good review and reminder of what I know and have preached (several times) in the past about tempting God from Matthew 4:7. To tempt God is to conduct an undue and unwarranted trial of God, concerning His power, goodness and greatness, from a position of unbelief and a demand from distrust , questioning the presence of God until see a supernatural proof of it. Throwing yourself  into voluntary and uncommanded dangers, then appealing to God for protection or trifling with His promises about His assistance in times of danger is a big NO NO. God aids His people who are placed by Him in trials and dangers and NOT those who do so unwisely or purposefully especially in order to tempt Him or prove Him and His Word. If there are stairs in a building you can take to go down, casting yourself from the top of the building because God has promised to protect you is presumption not faith, tempting God not trusting Him. "Do not question whether God will save you from dangers which y...

Fear of (using) Money

It all began when I caught myself saying to me: You are wasting money. You don't know how to use money. Don't use money. No wonder I have had a bad relationship with money. So I got thinking. What does it mean to waste money? How do I know I am wasting or not? What do I need to know and learn so I am able to declare I know how to use money. Why am I unwilling (afraid) to use money? The answers from Google were shocking and surprising as well as enlightening. I actually have a real legit phobia - the fear of money!

Why Am I Always Expecting The Worst?

Notes and thoughts from my study of this article after I realized I lived expecting tragedies to always follow (happen). So I found out that catastrophizing is a form of anxiety, something irrational, based on false assumptions. Technically I have a cognitive distortion. What was scary that hit close to home was the notion it could be a symptom of trauma (tell me about it!) that stems from and breeds helplessness and hopelessness!!! Wow, immediately I was flooded with childhood memories of various forms of abuse and gripping fear that almost daily clouded my being. Talk about revelation. Talk about feeling helpless and hopeless as a kid. Anxiety - yup. It is also a way to prevent myself from loss. If I allowed myself to celebrate (which I don't), feel wonderful (happy etc., anything positive), I become fearful that it will be lost (soon). So I preemptively guard against the loss of joy. I anticipate disaster, failure and loss lurking in the bushes ready to pounce and drag awa...

His Declaration Sustains Me

Here are some 'new' insights I got after reading a bunch of commentaries on a 'common' verse, Matthew 4:4. My biggest realization is that the phrase 'live by every word that comes from God' most probably does not mean 'live in obedience to the commands of God' but rather, looking at the context Deuteronomy 8:3 is set in, we live by reason of every word uttered by God that preserves our life, words spoken by God which effects the preservation of our life in extraordinary supernatural ways. In other words, I live not solely dependent on 'bread' (which I by default assume) but actually by the words of God that creates 'manna' for me. God is my sustainer and provider, declaring into being alternative supernatural resources I have access to that will keep me alive! If I depend on Him, I do not need to take things into my own hands and transgress the laws of nature (and God) to meet a need. Live a life in complete confidence that God is ...

What to do now?

My takeaway after meditating on Jesus' words in Matthew 3:15 What is proper to do now may demand a reversal of roles or doing things differently. It may also be temporary. Now determines who does what. But what to do now ? Do whatsoever is just, fit, requisite in our circumstances. "Observe every divine appointment and honor every divine ordinance" even if you feel unworthy and awkward. As a result, one necessary (required) act in obedience will result in the doer and the recipient being blessed and benefiting richly.

Busting Corrosive Cognitions

When a yucky, negative, depression-causing thought invades your mind and messes things up, it's time to address these corrosive cognitions. Ask yourself: What evidence supports my thinking? Would others say this is true about me? Does feeling this way make me feel good or bad about myself? These negative thoughts need to be replaced (reframing negative thoughts will be addressed in another posting). Even so, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones doesn't mean repeating empty affirmations (something I have been doing in the past; no wonder those affirmations didn't work). Instead create and use self-statements that are factual and meaningful . Begin by writing down - journaling - your negative thoughts as it will you you cut them down to size.


Realize I have been bingeing on information, with very little action taken, what more action that transform and bring wealth and health. Time to lessen drastically entertaining information.

Destructive self-talk and beliefs

Made aware I have very low self-esteem and a key contributor would be beliefs, conclusions and negative self-talk. Here are some I caught myself saying to myself: You are a failure like your father  You never complete anything you start. All half-bsked, incomplete projects  You are lazy  You so stupid You always don't know what to do  You always do things wrong  No wonder this ship is sinking ...